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How do we care? Foodforest care manifesto.


In these sensitive times, my reflections often are about care. How do we care? How do we care for ourselfs? For the earth, for the natural being that we are and that we inhabit. For all our natural relations? Air, Water, Fire, Earth and everything that arises and sprouts from these essential elements.

How do we care in the best possible way? We have a choice. So how do we care? Can we feel care? Can we share our care, our gift as humans? Are we cared for and can we take care? Earth naturally takes care, she provides, she lives, she gifts. She shares all that she has in great abundance. Her care for us depends on our relationship with her. Can we recieve? Can we make contact? Can we relate? Can we take care? In this way praying for many healthy relations with our natural world, with earth, with our fields, our forests and our food forests. Many times this rememberance of relationship starts with a YES! A willingness, an openness, maybe long forgotten curiosity, wonder and awe. To see what is possible? Maybe the need to be fed, to be nourished, to be surprised, for inclusion.

Sometimes it can start with a NO! No more pollution, no more monocultures, no more pecticides and other chemicals, no more a the same so called solutions. Often times it is a combinations of yes and no that brings people to land, to re-root, to re-relate. As it still is for me on this time of writing.

Food forests are a beautiful opportunity to re-relate to land. As we are invited to cultivate a very diverse natural system and embrace the pace and specific needs of a perennial food system. As it will nourish us with beautiful and healthy foods, clean air, bees and bird sounds, the pleasure of abuntant colours in autumn, the restful reflection of winter, the yummy salad spring surprises!, the sweetness and abundance of fruits troughout summer, the medicine of being outdoors. The medicines of plants that heal our bodies. So for now, hoping to be able to help you on your way towards food forest cultivation.

As designer, tending to the place that is chosen to be cultivated, tending to the needs of you as food forest caretaker and all people and living beings relating to it. Tending to the creative process that design is. Tending to the establishment and integration of the newly born food forest. Tending to your selfsuficiency, supporting when necesarry and guiding when asked.

Let me know if you need support and how you think I can help.

Foto voedselbostoer 2020 @ De Weegbree

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Eetbaar landschap

Josse Horsten

Dieseghemlei 51, 2640 Mortsel

Be 0628.617.705

IBAN: BE68 9731 5165 9534

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